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Hodge Podge

A hodge podge of thoughts on a Wednesday:
1) My dad is the greatest...but of course I'm supposed to say this. I inherited many things that make me stunningly similar to this little round man, well little and round...there's two things for my list and the way I walk and talk and my hands and legs and feet...he has a kind heart, and I like to think that mine is from time to time, an appreciation for all things outside and good cows and stout horses, fine scotch and starched jeans...HOWEVER, I DID NOT INHERIT HIS PATIENCE, HIS EVER PRESENT FAITH THAT GOOD WILL ALWAYS COME, AND HIS CALM...nope, it's no where that I can find in myself. I do always feel better after I have a mental overflow and call him. How he hasn't choked me before now is a wonder

Let's just say that there was a meltdown of momentous proportion this morning, but after a phone call with Tubby, the course (although still unknown) is a little smoother

2) Emotional eating is something that I have developed or inherited somewhere, and I really need to learn and practice refocusing away from food. My fave Cajun friend offered lunch as a distraction today, and I kindly accepted after 2.5 emotional eruptions. Now, please follow what I am about to say wisely. Take it to heart. Do as I say, not as I do. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOLLOW A HIGHLY EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT MORNING WITH A PIZZA BUFFET LUNCH! DO NOT TRY TO CHASE ANXIETY AWAY W/ PIZZA. It's 4:38 pm. I am still full. The needle has not left full. It may be Friday before it reaches 1/2 a tank!

What caused all this emotion you say:
  • A sick dog at 4:30 AM...Newt cannot/should not eat pork, just so you know.
  • Not having a plan post August 1
  • Not having a home or gainful employment post August 1
  • During this meltdown I stopped at an ATM machine and left my card in it...not to worry, I promptly realized this...okay, not so promptly that I went back, I was across town...I was close to the bank, so I ran in--canceled the card, withdrew cash, and requested a new one. The little girl at the bank was so sweet, I think that she could feel my negative energy that was escalated to the power of 10.
Good news, I have found a cool twist to my project. I don't have to do anymore data search and/or data entry (praise Jesus!!!!!). Just some formula changes, a couple of new statistical codes, and I may have something that makes me feel useful. Also, I have developed (hopefully) solutions to my morning of problems that begins with no dead pig for Newt.


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