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Looking Up!

The day started slow...okay, so I slept later than I wanted to which puts me in an odd kind of a mood. As I'm hurrying out of the house, what should run out from under my car--across my path but this damn black neighborhood cat. I spit (all over myself) right away (darn superstition...who ever told me to spit probably did to make me look like a moron!).

Speaking of morons (oh wait, that's me)...I got a text message from the Putz today and it has totally perked up my morning! Maybe I should of my oldest and dearest friends and I had an odd obsession with the movie "Grumpy Old Men" while we were in high school. We would literally recite the lines with the actors, and eventually my mother banned us from watching it (okay, so she tried). Somehow through all of this I became the morn, and a naturally she became the putz. We had a rally of texts going this morning that had me belly laughing in my car, which was likely dangerous on several counts. We talked of diets and cancer and peanut butter rolls from the bakery and me too often falling on my hiney...its all intertwined I promise. Scary I know!

I did read the introduction to Always Looking Up before nodding off last night, and honestly, I'll probably have to read it again tonight to get the full effect.

The job hunt is once again frustrating today. I've been informed of this phantom job posting no less than 3 times since I woke up and I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE! (hence phantom...).

One of my students pointed out an ultimate time waster this morning http:\\ Oh my's hilarious! Hit the site if you need some mindless fodder. It is soon to become a fave of graduate students far I wide I would estimate...only to fight with Facebook, You Tube, and FML...or if you are in my office any and all show livestock websites (shows, sales, farm Web pages, etc.)...please do not think that I am guilty of utilizing all of these myself, I am not! However, in an office of seven you see all kinds!

Back to data analysis!!



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