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PW Book Signing

Sorry I have been away so long! We'll cover more on this later, as I need to squeeze in a quick blog and get on the road for a quick trip and much needed "therapy" (a steer show and all that goes with it)....I'll be back in town tomorrow afternoon...LOTS TO DO, LOTS TO DO.

Last night, some very dear friends (Brandi and Robynne) and I made the trip to Austin for the Pioneer Woman's book signing. It was SO MUCH FUN! I had never been to a book signing before, and I loved it. We were lucky enough to get in the "before the talk" signing group, so we were lucky enough to escape the madness right after the talk, catch a tasty dinner, and get on the road for home at not too late of an hour. The cookbook is beautiful, Ree is very kind, and her family is charming. I want to be a part of them. The youngest boy...I just love him. I wanted to put him in my purse, but the girls said he wouldn't fit. We also got lucky and Marlboro Man signed our cookbooks too! He also got trapped into taking a picture with us.

Here are the girls and I with Ree and again with Marlboro Man, who by the way signs his real name in the cookbook...unfortunately I cannot tell you confidently what that is, as it's kind of hard to read.

I promise to post a more detailed account of our trip over the weekend. Trust me, there are sooo many more details to include!!! I also promise to give you the ultimate update on Fern, as a lot has happened since my last post and I have goals to cross off and new goals to add, finally!


  1. Everyone that I have talked to have all said her book signings are a blast. I think we must be wired the same - I find cattle shows relaxing too - in a odd way.


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